Saturday, February 23, 2008

GI Diet to tackle PCOS: The plan

I have done further reading up over the past few days about losing weight. Losing weight is very very difficult (gaining weight is easy!) but I have to start somewhere. I am getting extremely worried that as my weight problem escalates, my symptoms increased too!

Here is my plan:
Adhere to GI diet principles + Moderate exercises

Sounds, easy. I have tried it many times, but had failed.

Perhaps I did not "log" my efforts?

This time I will set a 3 month target.
Starting weight: 87kg
Weight after 3 months: 84 kg.

This may be very very modest weight loss, but any weight stabilisation is very helpful. I have reached a scary stage that even while reducing the amount I eat, my weight increases steadily. If circumstances where I have to reduce physical activities or increase my intake (like the special offers on cookies this week!), my weight could increase 2-3 kg per week. No kidding.

So, here is a rough breakdown of my plan:

There are a few ways to do a calculation

One simple way which I have been taught:
  1. Targeted calorie intake (if depending mainly on dieting)= targeted weight x30. In my case this will be 1500kcal per day.
  2. Based on REE formula=9.99 wt (kg) +6.25 ht (cm =4.92 age+166 x (sex)(1=male, 0=female)-161. BAsed on this formula, my REE is 1366kcal. My TEE will be 1.5XREE=2049kcal. These are the amount of calorie intake I need to sustain my fat self.
The other method is just use my body weightx30=2610.I have been told that use body weight x30 (x 35 if moderately active) is an over estimation of calorie needs, and increase in kcal is not directly proportional to increase of weight, and perhaps the ideal weight would be more useful, and could be used to estimate the numebr of calories to target it. Bsed on these calculations, if i take in >2000kcal but remain pretty sedentry, i get to keep my fat self. So, I have to create a deficit!! The usual recommeded deficit is about 500kcal a day, resulting in 3500kcal per week. That should result in about 500g of weight loss per week. Since I am notorious in losing weight, I will be happy to lose 1 kg per month, instead of 2 kg per month.

To create these deficits, I have rely on dieting, ie stick to taking in 1500 kcal per day. I will do some physical activities. I will target moderate exercises per week for 1 hour (each burns about 300 kcal).

I do not wish to factor in that I may lose more with exercises, as these have not been shown to be significantly influencing weight loss. instead, it is more useful in preserving muscles, and helping maintaining weight loss in the long run.

1500kcal per day. I will start counting!

And I will include the main principles of GI diet. So far, i really believe that the GI diet is the best way to go. For women with PCOS, insulin intolerance is a main problem, and tackling soaring sugar levels and dips is probably the key. I have experienced to many times the dip in energy, followed crazy cravings.

Endocrinology and Metabolism By Philip Felig, Lawrence A Frohman

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