Thursday, May 28, 2009

Keep the (fat) flame burning

Losing weight is hard to do, especially if you have insulin resistance. While specific advice are given to physicians to be "gentle" with their targets set for patients with diabetes mellitus, no such gentle words are available for women with PCOS. 

We still get instructions like "lose 5% of your weight, and you might get your menses to return to normal again"  or "many women become pregnant again when they lose justa few percentage of their body weight". Note - the keyword is "just" - small achievable target.  

I can hardly disagree if I did not find it so hard. To be honest, the disparity of how easy this sounds and how hard it actually is puts me off. Sometimes, it sounds like I am being mocked for failing to achieve my target. That is not being encouraging, doc! That sounds sooo patronising. 

And stop telling me about Victoria Beckham or that Mrs Oliver. I can't pop some organic strawberries whenever I want, or get a trainer to come around every morning for a work out and attend yoga classes in the evening. Like most women, I have to eat a lunch, and may get a quick snack at teat time, and then I must wait for the next meal in the evening, after a long battle with the commute or traffic to get home. 

After months of battle, and INTENSE efforts in the past two weight, i weighted myself again this morning. Gosh, still 86kg. What do I do? I just keep on trying, doc. I just keep on trying to lose weight, I know I will be successful, no matter how long it takes.

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