Monday, August 16, 2010

Xenical and I, Day 6

I have lived with Xenical for 6 days now. Apart from my naughtiness and it very well deserved pay back time of oily stool, I have been good. I have been watching what I eat!

So, no more leaky oily stools. There is no visible oil in my stool (good!). However, I still get very soft stools and visit the toilet a few times a day, instead of my once daily trip to do the "big one". Yes, I am farting. Yes, I am bloated. I am even nauseous for a few days! But heck, I am eating very healthily now. 

I guess the best reward from taking Xenical is my husband had been very cooperative - he is totally disgusted with the idea of leaking oily stool. I also made it known leaky stool means no baby making is possible - it will be just too disgusting.  

He had been willing to live with healthy food this weekend!

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