Sunday, August 15, 2010

Unexpected excitement

I have been nauseous for two days. Maybe it is the Xenical which I had just started to help with my weight loss. Perhaps it is just a stomach bug.  I spent the weekend in bed, tired and have no appetite for food.

Despite the tiredness, I still spotted the continuous and not so subtle hint from the other half.  His "baby radar" was turned on! He had been asking me "jokingly" whether I was pregnant. I told him "in your dreams, I just tested yesterday",  but he was still not convinced.

I was reminded that have I have stocked up some really cheap pregnancy test kits; all I have to do is just to test (again!). Fine, to have some peace, I tested, again.  Negative.

He totally surprised me when he told me that the best time to test is in the morning. And apparently, although the strips are cheap, they are just as good if used correctly since it these are high sensitivity tests!!  Wow! I wonder where and when he learned this. He is a biology idiot.

I can smell baby desperation in my hubby, and I am not sure whether I like it.

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