Saturday, February 26, 2011

Lets fight the fats!!!!

I found a really great blog  called "becoming obesity's worse nightmare!" That is so inspirational - I can see shed loads of determination there! I like the photos of those numbers on the scale between nicely painted toes  :) I dont think that I can do it. I have really ugly toes. 

That inspired me to immediately do a stock take of what I have done since 1st January, and what I continue to do:

Since 1st January:
  1. get off the train one station earlier  on the way to work
  2.  walk to the further train station, if I am not too tired by the time I go home
  3.  substitute more pasta/noodles meals with konyaku/shirataki noodles! These noodles helped lose 1kg this winter, instead of gaining the typical 3-7kg!!!
  4.  Only eat things that are really delicious, especially if it is "bad". No more cheap cakes and chocolates
  5. Two size 14 trousers joined the "being worn" category. These replaced  2 pieces of  totally worn out size 16 trousers (ie there are holes there). They started off really tight and ugly, but a good reminded to stay away from biscuits and cookies in the office!
  6. Started metformin
Continued from last year
  1.  Xenical - no longer needed daily, since I am mostly "good". Only take when eating out (and suffered the consequences)
  2. Walk, walk walk.. whenever there is an opportunity, I walk.
  3. Ensure there is at least an "active day" a week - be it some time in the gym, or a few hours spent window shopping
  4. Water... & fruit teas, avoiding juices 
  5. Increased salads, reduced carbs!
  6. TOTALLY refuse to purchase even 1 more piece of size 16. Size 16 is obese for my height. If I remain on this size, I might as well get naked or lose those bits.

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